I need a bigger filter....

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I need a bigger filter.... Empty I need a bigger filter....

Post  DMD123 2014-01-07, 16:16

I recently upgraded from a 56g column to a 72g bowfront and moved my Eheim 2217 over with it. On paper the Eheim looks great but it just cant keep up. So Im looking for something bigger.... but how big should I go?  scratch 

This tank also sports an AC110 but looking for a good canister to go along with. In the past Ive used Cascades which are an awesome budget filter, and I currently run dual FX5's on my 210g. So I am familiar with these.

What I was wondering is, what filters other members recommend and why. Of course quality and price are an issue, so what would you recommend? (No sump!)
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I need a bigger filter.... Empty Re: I need a bigger filter....

Post  TheFishPimp 2014-01-07, 16:48

Okay, not to start a debate or Jack your thread but as a fan I'm compelled to ask, why on earth would you poo-poo sumps out of the gate??

That said, in line with your question...can't go wrong with the Fluval cans...


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I need a bigger filter.... Empty Re: I need a bigger filter....

Post  cichlid-gal 2014-01-07, 16:54

On my 72G bowfront I ran a Rena FX3, Eheim 2217, and AC110. This seemed to keep up great with 10 young adult fish approximately 4.5-5 inches each. I like the Rena's and Eheim's...all of them. The Rena's are like the Eheim's but less pricey. Most of my Eheim's are used but doing quite well and buying them used helped with the cost.
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I need a bigger filter.... Empty Re: I need a bigger filter....

Post  DMD123 2014-01-07, 17:53

TheFishPimp wrote:Okay, not to start a debate or Jack your thread but as a fan I'm compelled to ask, why on earth would you poo-poo sumps out of the gate??

That said, in line with your question...can't go wrong with the Fluval cans...


I just dont want to do a sump. I want a seal can, that all.  tongue 

I was looking at the Fluval 406 as a possible replacement but hate the price fix going on. It is $199 everywhere.... with no cheaper deals.
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I need a bigger filter.... Empty Re: I need a bigger filter....

Post  DMD123 2014-01-07, 17:56

cichlid-gal wrote:On my 72G bowfront I ran a Rena FX3, Eheim 2217, and AC110.  This seemed to keep up great with 10 young adult fish approximately 4.5-5 inches each.  I like the Rena's and Eheim's...all of them.  The Rena's are like the Eheim's but less pricey.  Most of my Eheim's are used but doing quite well and buying them used helped with the cost.

I am also considering the Rena XP4. The XP3 really is not too much different than the 2217 Im running. I had found a great review comparing the two and at the end the person said they were equal in performance but the rena was the winner because it was cheaper.

I wish Eheim still made the 2250 canister, which would be perfect for this tank.
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I need a bigger filter.... Empty Re: I need a bigger filter....

Post  anthony 2014-01-09, 15:32

If the canister is about the same as an xp-3  and your running an ac110 Why do you need more filtration? What do you mean it's not cutting it? I use a marineland c-360 on my 75 gallon its a 4 basket canister with a turbo twist 18w uv . I like this canister because it has close to no bypass,The baskets fit snug into the canister when I take the nozzle on and off. It only spills about a shot glass of water out. One difference I've noticed since I stopped feeding my fish fish food and started feeding them fresh fish, all my filters stay so much cleaner. You would be surprised how clean your sponges stay, no red muck all over the place. I still feed pellets about twice a week but that's it. I would think those two filters would handle the load but with messy fish like bichirs and catfish the waste has a lot of nutrients left because as they get bigger they start releasing clouds of waste and you will start getting the algae bloom(brownish looking water). The big marineland goes on an off sale at petsmart I got mine for about $150
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I need a bigger filter.... Empty Re: I need a bigger filter....

Post  JimA 2014-01-09, 15:58

Aquatop 400 or 500 for the price can't be beat. Going on almost 3 years with mine and no problem. Just have to be careful when cleaning them.. 2 400s plus the FX5 on my 240 running now.

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I need a bigger filter.... Empty Re: I need a bigger filter....

Post  DMD123 2014-01-09, 16:12

I think anthony hit it on the head. Sinking carnivore has had great growth results in the del and albino sen but just fouls up the water.  vomit 
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I need a bigger filter.... Empty Re: I need a bigger filter....

Post  fishloverRon 2014-01-09, 22:56

DMD...did you get my PM?
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I need a bigger filter.... Empty Re: I need a bigger filter....

Post  DMD123 2014-01-09, 23:21

I got it. I need to research to see how it compares to the eheim.
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